Drakos as a service Ransomware

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we create your own dedicated ransomware compatible with all versions Windows included the full source code program written in C++ simple to use, the instruction on spread CPP ransomware, undetectable by the antivirus, you can choose the name of projet, change the source code, change the BTC address, Create a HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES Personal Key description, Choose your ransom request, Add logo, Add icon, Add ASCII, Add a timer delete files. Choose yourself what you want to put. Please contact our service email address below This is not ransomware jigsaw, or just a source code find on a simple internet search. ((It's a real creation by ourselves!)) The ransomware will encrypt all files stored on: Network drives, Network Shares, Usb Drives/sticks, Externals Disks, Internal Disks, Games (Steam), Onedrive, Dropbox, Google Drive (any cloud service that is running on the machine). Encryption algoritm is AES 256, RSA-2048 You receive 100% of the ransom paid by the victims, only in EXE format - Encrypter / Decrypter you will have the personal decryption key. You can ask us several questions, we are at your disposal. You receive 100% of the ransom paid by the victims.
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