GandCrab as a service Ransomware RaaS

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Dashboard access official !. Features • Autodetected Bitcoin Payments • Auto Spread • Change Process Name • Change Ransom Amount • Command-and-control Center • Countdown Timer • Delete All Restore Points • Detects VM, Sandbox And Debugger Environments • Disable Regedit • Disable Safe Boot • Disable Shutdown • Disable Task Manager • Edit File Icon • Empty Recycle Bin • Enable USB Infection • Files On External Media Also Encrypted • Full Lifetime License • Fully Undetectable • Generate PDF Reports • GEO Map • Hide GandCrab Files • Master Boot Record Exploit • Military Grade Encryption • Multi Language • No Dependency • Payment Page Link • Quick File Encryption • Real Time Ticket Support System For Victims • Secure File Erase • Statistics • Text To Speech • UAC Exploit • Unlimited Builds • Weekly Updates.
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